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Is Your Child Falling Behind?


  • Growing with your 1-2 year old

    This clip illustrated the importance of conversations and communication to expand children’s language and vocabulary during the period from 1 to 2 years. Parents are offered practical suggestions and ways to enhance their children’s social skills through a wide range of activities and experiences which include opportunities like play dates with other children. Read More

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  • How children learn to read

    Why is it easy for some people to learn to read, and difficult for others? It’s a tough question with a long history. We know that it’s not just about raw intelligence, nor is it wholly about repetition and dogged persistence. We also know that there are some conditions that, effort aside, can hold a […]

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  • Building language with play

    As speech-language pathologists and mothers of young children, we are always thinking about ways to turn our kids’ activities into more language-rich experiences.What we want you to know is that language-building activities don’t have to be elaborate or time consuming or costly…you are probably doing lots of them already without even knowing it! Recently, Katie […]

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  • Children and lying

    Lying is often seen as bad behaviour in children. Fairytales and folk stories, from Aesop’s Peter who cried wolf to Washington’s cherry tree tell children to be honest and never lie. But what can we do to encourage children to tell the truth? Children learn to lie from about the age of two. The first […]

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  • 100 best children’s books

    We’re living in a golden age of young-adult literature, when books ostensibly written for teens are equally adored by readers of every generation. In the likes of Harry Potter and Katniss Everdeen, they’ve produced characters and conceits that have become the currency of our pop-culture discourse—and inspired some of our best writers to contribute to […]

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  • Can ‘dyslexia’ be a plus????

    When he was in school, many of Virgin chairman Richard Branson’s teachers considered him stupid and lazy. His mind was quite active, but he had a difficult time focusing, which in retrospect he attributes to not having his dyslexia accommodated, he told the Washington Post in 2012. Read More

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  • Calming an upset child – only sue what resonates with you

    Do you have a child who can get frustrated, angry or downright explosive? Do they need your help calming down? If you are a regular here, you know you are not alone. Due to our son’s sensory needs and anxiety we deal with frequent meltdowns and are constantly looking for ways to help him. I […]

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  • Myths about Assistive Technology

    There are many people who do not have a complete understanding of assistive technology (AT) and the role it plays in education and the greater community of those affected by learning disabilities (LD). Students and adults who regularly use AT certainly know the benefits of the myriad tools available on computers and mobile devices. Likewise, […]

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  • If you can ignore all the ads, here are some helpful suggestions for encouraging early reading

    One of our kids learned to read fairly easily, and our other child has struggled. I was so thankful to find these activities linked up in our weekly It’s Playtime, our Kids Meme that runs every Wednesday afternoon. They have been a huge help with making Phonics fun for kids! Read More

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  • Journey from very premature to one year old

    Our fans know that we love videos of Baby’s first year. It’s when they go through their most rapid development, and watching a helpless infant grow up into a bouncing, alert baby always brings a smile to my face. This video, however, documenting Ward Miller’s first year is particularly gripping. In that short a time, […]

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